Dog Bite Injury Attorney
No one loves dogs more than the attorneys at Dross Berman LLC. Unfortunately, a dog bite or dog attack can lead to serious injury and, in rare instances, even death. A dog owner may be financially responsible for your injuries if you have been bitten or attacked by a dog. Speaking to a dog bite lawyer or attorney is key to seeing if you have a viable claim. The attorneys at Dross Berman are experienced in providing top-quality legal services to help you recover damages if you are injured by a dog bite, whether it is caused by a negligent owner or a dangerous dog.
Do I need a Dog Bite Injury Attorney if I have been Attacked or Bitten by a Dog?
If you are bitten or attacked by a dog, you should reach out to a qualified dog bite injury attorney for a free consultation. During this consultation, your lawyer will evaluate your case and discuss with you the viability of moving forward with a claim. The experienced team at Dross Berman works with dog bite victims in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC. Contact us for a free consultation!
¿Son frecuentes las lesiones por ataques de perros?
More common than you would think – over 1% of American visit the emergency room each year due to a dog bite attack. In 2019, 48 Americans were killed by a dog, and in 2015, over 850,000 people receive medical treatment as a result of a dog attack. Despite the high number of dog attacks, only 15,000-16,000 people receive compensation. The average compensation for a dog bite is approximately $29,000.00. The value of your dog attack claim is dependent on many factors, all of which your dog bite injury attorney can discuss with you.
¿Quién paga las reclamaciones por mordeduras de perro?
Most people do not realize that a homeowners or renter’s insurance policy will cover a dog bite claim. If you have been bitten, obtaining the dog owner’s insurance policy is an important first step in receiving compensation. Suing for dog bites or filing dog bite lawsuits is one of the best ways to recover payment for injuries or a dog bite claim – to do this successfully, speaking with a dog bite attorney is key!
¿En qué circunstancias puedo recibir una indemnización por una lesión por mordedura de perro?
Simply being bitten may not be enough to receive financial compensation. To recover compensation as a result of a dog bite injury, the victim must prove that the dog’s owner was negligent (Learn More About Suing for Dog Bites). There are several ways to prove negligence, and each dog bite presents a unique set of circumstances. Some ways a dog owner may be negligent include:
- El perro está en público sin correa.
- El perro tiene un historial de mordeduras o agresiones.
- El propietario no supervisa a su perro cuando hay un niño pequeño.
- The owner fails to control the dog, who is exhibiting aggressive behavior.
- The landlord knew a dangerous dog was on their premises but failed to evict or remove the owner.
¿Es cierto que existe la regla de "un solo bocado"?
A common misconception of dog bite claims is that a dog owner gets “one free bite.” In other words, unless the dog has bitten people before, you will not be able to receive compensation for your injuries. This is not the case. Each state has separate and unique dog bite laws, and it is very important that you retain a dog bite attorney who understands the differences.
Maryland imposes a “strict liability” policy on dog bites. However, the dog owner will not be responsible for the dog bite if they can prove that they did not know or should have known that their dog was dangerous. The burden of proof is on the dog owner to establish that they did not know their dog was dangerous. Further, if the dog was “at large,” meaning not on a leash, the owner is held strictly liable for the injury.
Some counties in Maryland, such as Prince George’s County, have breed restrictions and do not allow their residents to own a pit bull.
Distrito de Columbia
El Distrito de Columbia requiere que la víctima demuestre que el dueño del perro fue negligente, que el perro estaba suelto o que el perro había mordido a alguien anteriormente.
Al igual que el Distrito de Columbia, Virginia no tiene un estatuto de "responsabilidad estricta" y requiere que una víctima pruebe la negligencia para recuperar por una mordedura de perro. Los propietarios de perros de Virginia están obligados a conocer las propensiones de sus perros y a prevenir los daños previsibles.
If a dog owner knows or should know that their dog might cause injury, they have a duty to use ordinary care to prevent injury to others. If an owner fails to perform this duty, then he is negligent.
Además, el propietario de un perro debe tener en cuenta sus inclinaciones o características generales y naturales, así como las inclinaciones o características, si las hay, propias del animal en este caso que conoce o debería haber conocido. Si alguna de esas inclinaciones o características es susceptible de causar lesiones, el propietario tiene la obligación de emplear el cuidado ordinario para evitar cualquier lesión razonablemente previsible. Si el propietario no cumple este deber, es negligente.
¿Cómo se demuestra que el dueño de un perro fue negligente?
Hiring the right attorney to investigate and prove negligence is an essential first step in receiving compensation for a dog bite injury. There are several ways to prove that the dog owner was negligent, including, but not limited to:
- Obtaining the “bite report” or incident report from the police department or local animal control agency.
- Averiguar la historia del perro a través de su propietario.
- Hablar con los vecinos sobre sus observaciones del perro en el pasado.
- Detallar y documentar el incidente por escrito.
- Obtener el historial médico del perro a través de su veterinario.
- Obtener los registros de la escuela de obediencia/entrenamiento, si existen.
- Informes médicos sobre el tratamiento de las lesiones.
- Obtención de declaraciones de testigos.
¿Qué lesiones suelen sufrir las personas que son mordidas por un perro?
Hemos visto lesiones impactantes causadas por la mordedura o el ataque de un perro. Estos pueden incluir:
- Heridas por punción
- Cortes y magulladuras
- Pérdida de dedos
- Cicatrización
- Huesos rotos
- Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
- Infecciones
Las víctimas de lesiones por mordedura de perro pueden tener derecho a recibir una indemnización por lo siguiente
- Gastos médicos
- Pérdida de ingresos
- Dolor y sufrimiento
- Desfiguración o cicatrización
- Angustia emocional
- Futuro tratamiento médico para la revisión de cicatrices
Contact One of the Dog Bite Lawyers at Dross Berman Today!
If you or a loved one have been bitten by a dog, please contact the dog bite injury lawyers at Dross Berman LLC for a free consultation.
Dog Bite Reports
If a dog bites you, you should file a bite report with the proper authorities and request a bite report for that dog’s biting history. For information about where to file or obtain a report, you can check out the following links for nearby counties in DC, Maryland, and Virginia:
Montgomery County Animal Services
Distrito de Columbia
Why Choose Dross Berman’s Dog Bite Attorneys?
We believe that you are entitled to the best legal representation possible, and we are committed to providing that to all of our clients! We have decades of experience in dog bite cases, have recovered significant compensation for our clients, and we have the accolades to prove it with a 10.0 Avvo rating, Bethesda Magazine Top Attorney Award, Super Lawyers awards, being listed as a Top Lawyer in the Washingtonian, and a member of The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 list! You can also check out our reviews to see what our satisfied clients have to say!